Respec your character by talking to Rennala if you plan on playing with a different build from the beginning of NG+.Farm any Weapons or Armor that drop from Enemies (optionally respec for Arcane).Collect the maximum number of these Key Items:.Collect all non-renewable Crafting Materials.

Use Walking Mausoleums (7) to duplicate Remembrances.Obtain any weapons you will want to dual-wield in the next playthrough, as for most weapons only one copy can be obtained per NG cycle.Trade for any Remembrance Weapons you may wish to dual-wield in the future, as only one copy of each weapon can be obtained per NG cycle.Collect Stonesword Keys these carry over and can be used in the next playthrough.Turn in all Deathroots (9) to the Gurranq Beast Clergyman.Obtain all Larval Tears (18) for future Rebirth.Only 20 are need to buy all Incantations.Slay dragons to obtain Dragon Hearts (23) and buy their Incantations at the Cathedral of Dragon Communion.Find and turn in all Scrolls and Prayerbooks to a trainer to purchase their Spells.Collect the following unique Key Items:.Farm Runes to buy out the Merchants' shops.Collect as many final Upgrade Materials as possible:.Hand in the following Bell Bearings to the Twin Maiden Husks:.These items are subject to change as Dauntless evolves and improves, if you run into any problems with these items after doing a reset, please let us know.New Game Plus Checklist: Do these before going to NG+ Transmog Armours, Weapons, and Lanterns.If you run into any troubles or if you have any questions, please contact us and we will be happy to clear it up or look into it. Note, if you're already in-game you may need to relog for this. After pressing that, you will be prompted to confirm you want to proceed with the reset, once you confirm, your character will be irrecoverably wiped. If you want to start your adventure all over again, you can do so by launching the game and opening the Options Menu from the Main Menu, in the Gameplay tab you will see a Reset Character button. Please note that this will not remove any Account Items. Players have the ability to optionally reset their progression and start their character from scratch.